What Defined 2018 For You?

Obviously, this title refers to “entertainment” and not, well, actually meaningful occurrences. Also, I sort of made a “Best Of” post but it was largely unpolished and I still had a little bit of catching up to do. Finally, I hope this post is more of an open discussion than a lecture, which blogging seemsContinue reading “What Defined 2018 For You?”

On Balancing Entertainment Medium Intake

Over the summer, I wrote a post about the differences between movies, games, and books as far as audience involvement goes (passive vs active interactions), but today I had an idea to bounce off of that; a prequel, if you will. The whole reason I decided to switch things up and focus on gaming andContinue reading “On Balancing Entertainment Medium Intake”

The Elite Book Challenge

To continue (and complete) these series of Entertainment Challenges, it’s about time we rounded things out with the oldest source of storytelling our cultures have to offer: books. Visual storytelling media such as games and movies have been around for less than a century, and even less than that if we’re going by contemporary standards,Continue reading “The Elite Book Challenge”