Week In Review (Week 4, 1/20-1/27)

I’ve decided to make a slight change to this Week-In Review series by simply adding “favorite songs of the week” to it. This way, even if I work on the same book all week or play the same game without finishing either, I’ll still have something to write down and share with you. Therefore, thisContinue reading “Week In Review (Week 4, 1/20-1/27)”

On Balancing Entertainment Medium Intake

Over the summer, I wrote a post about the differences between movies, games, and books as far as audience involvement goes (passive vs active interactions), but today I had an idea to bounce off of that; a prequel, if you will. The whole reason I decided to switch things up and focus on gaming andContinue reading “On Balancing Entertainment Medium Intake”

My 2018 In Review

2018 was a great year for me: I graduated from college, moved across the States, and expanded my entertainment horizons. Instead of just focusing on movies, I decided to divert much of my attention towards shows, games, music, and books as well, which have really made an impact on my life as a whole. IContinue reading “My 2018 In Review”

The “Commercial Break” Workout Routine

As somebody who can’t get enough of movies, tv shows, books, and video games, it’s often difficult to find time to go to the gym as it can cut at least an hour out of an already busy day. Of course, I’ve never wanted to sacrifice physical health at the expense of entertainment or theContinue reading “The “Commercial Break” Workout Routine”

Review: The Night Of

The Night Of is a 2016 HBO mini-series written by Richard Price and Steve Zaillian, and stars Riz Ahmed and John Turturro among a long list of supporting cast members. As the title implies, this mini-series involves the night of a crime, and the case and trial following said crime. Riz Ahmed plays Nasir Khan, whoContinue reading “Review: The Night Of”