My First 25 Platinum Trophies (Discussion 2/4)

Between the end of July and the beginning of December, I was quite the trophy hunter and had a goal of 25 Platinums by the end of the year. However, I wanted that 25th Platinum to be something I worked really hard for. Red Dead Redemption II and Hollow Knight were both prospects but some trophies were just aContinue reading “My First 25 Platinum Trophies (Discussion 2/4)”

Weekly PS4 Trophy Round-Up (#1)

Dislaimer: This new series was going to be titled “Weekly Platinum” but Hollow Knight is still kicking my butt and I really didn’t want to settle and have my 25th plat be something I’m not extremely proud of. Even though the Hollow Knight Platinum is just two trophies away, I feel as though it may be someContinue reading “Weekly PS4 Trophy Round-Up (#1)”

Xbox Achievements vs PlayStation Trophies

From age 6 to age 21, I was an Xbox player through and through. When it was time for me to get the new console, the Xbox One was the obvious choice for me because it was the follow-up to my favorite gaming console of all time (the 360). After a few months, I tradedContinue reading “Xbox Achievements vs PlayStation Trophies”