Top 5 Friday (#1) Game Series That Deserve HD Remasters

Recently, HD Remasters of classic game series such as Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Hitman, and the first Resident Evil(s) have hit shelves to largely positive responses. Taking these hits as inspiration, I thought I’d go through some “older” (and/or less relevant) games that also deserve HD remasters. And no, I don’t simply mean “HD” ports toContinue reading “Top 5 Friday (#1) Game Series That Deserve HD Remasters”

The Problems of the Video Game Industry

My biggest problems with the video game industry lie with video games as an industry– the focusing on milking gamers for loose change is a greedy tactic that has been stripping the art of video games from their beautiful and relaxing nature. Now, instead of spending $60 to get a game, you’re spending upwards of $200 inContinue reading “The Problems of the Video Game Industry”

Defining “Superhero Films”

Collider Videos is publishing a series on YouTube titled “Top 50 Superhero Films,” and in that video series they present their collective ranking of the best superhero films of all time. In that spirit, I decided to do the same thing, but ran into an issue: how do we define “superhero films”? At first glance,Continue reading “Defining “Superhero Films””

Top 5: Most Anticipated of 2017

Since 2016 cinema is coming to a close (aside from the dozen or so that have yet to expand from their limited release), this week we’re taking a look in to the upcoming year and discussing which films we’re looking forward to most. This Top 5 Friday category was chosen by myself; to be theContinue reading “Top 5: Most Anticipated of 2017”

Fight: The Force Awakens vs Rogue One

This week’s Movie Fight challenge was chosen by @officialmoviereviewsdaily, give that page a follow on Instagram! To be the person who chooses the next category and gets a shoutout, be the first person to comment your picks for this challenge on my Instagram page post! With Disney’s purchase of Lucasfilm, they now have all of the rights to IndianaContinue reading “Fight: The Force Awakens vs Rogue One”