What Defined 2018 For You?

Obviously, this title refers to “entertainment” and not, well, actually meaningful occurrences. Also, I sort of made a “Best Of” post but it was largely unpolished and I still had a little bit of catching up to do. Finally, I hope this post is more of an open discussion than a lecture, which blogging seemsContinue reading “What Defined 2018 For You?”

Dear Parents of Video-Gaming Kids

Around 2011, I made a PowerPoint presentation for my parents as a persuasive method to get them to understand why video games were awesome, and why they were so much more than what they remember them being. Video games have, historically, been simply a pastime; a “waste of time,” even. From Pong to Donkey Kong, video games were enjoyableContinue reading “Dear Parents of Video-Gaming Kids”

The Problems of the Video Game Industry

My biggest problems with the video game industry lie with video games as an industry– the focusing on milking gamers for loose change is a greedy tactic that has been stripping the art of video games from their beautiful and relaxing nature. Now, instead of spending $60 to get a game, you’re spending upwards of $200 inContinue reading “The Problems of the Video Game Industry”