Avengers: Endgame (Very Vague Movie Review)

Well, my dreams came true last night. After 11 years of nearly-daily Marvel speculation, discussion, reviewing, and day-dreaming, the final chapter of the Infinity Saga is here. Since I’m not a terrible person, this review will be 100% spoiler-free which is only bad for one reason: I can’t talk about anything. Because of that, any details ofContinue reading “Avengers: Endgame (Very Vague Movie Review)”

Best Superhero Movies 2015-2018 (Top 5 Friday)

Shazam! his theaters this weekend and my review for it is currently available for you to check out. In this edition of Top 5 Friday, in honor of the aforementioned Shazam, we’ll be taking a look at the best superhero movies of the latter half of this decade. For argument’s sake, I’m going to keep this list toContinue reading “Best Superhero Movies 2015-2018 (Top 5 Friday)”

The Best Viewing Order of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Weekly Essay)

Captain Marvel is finally here, which means two things: Endgame is right around the corner, and the end of Marvel Phase Three is imminent. As is my tradition whenever a new Marvel Cinematic Universe film is released, I like to play around with the order a bit to find the best possible way to watch the films. TheContinue reading “The Best Viewing Order of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Weekly Essay)”

Captain Marvel (Movie Review)

Marvel Studios unveils the Ace up its sleeve, finally showing the audience the secret weapon they have to stop Thanos: Captain Marvel. After seeing the film, I find myself resonating most with a phrase I heard earlier this weekend: “It feels like a Phase One movie.” I truly think there is no better way toContinue reading “Captain Marvel (Movie Review)”

My Problem with the Black Panther Oscar Nomination

(I’m hitting you guys with the good ol’ fashioned quadruple uploads today!) First thing’s first: I love Marvel movies. If you’ve read more than a single post on this entire blog, you’re most likely well aware of that fact. There is no franchise that has consistently satisfied my moviegoing desires as well as the MCU,Continue reading “My Problem with the Black Panther Oscar Nomination”

What Defined 2018 For You?

Obviously, this title refers to “entertainment” and not, well, actually meaningful occurrences. Also, I sort of made a “Best Of” post but it was largely unpolished and I still had a little bit of catching up to do. Finally, I hope this post is more of an open discussion than a lecture, which blogging seemsContinue reading “What Defined 2018 For You?”

Defining “Superhero Films”

Collider Videos is publishing a series on YouTube titled “Top 50 Superhero Films,” and in that video series they present their collective ranking of the best superhero films of all time. In that spirit, I decided to do the same thing, but ran into an issue: how do we define “superhero films”? At first glance,Continue reading “Defining “Superhero Films””

Marvel Movies: A Beginner’s Guide

(Updated through Nov 2017!) With Marvel films being released twice per year since 2013, and three times per year starting in 2018, one might feel as though it’s become an overwhelming task to jump on the bandwagon. Your peers, coworkers, friends, kids and even just people on the street all seem to be raving aboutContinue reading “Marvel Movies: A Beginner’s Guide”

July 2017 Blockbuster Preview

With Summer 2017 now in full swing, let’s go ahead and take a look at what July has to offer in terms of blockbuster releases. For this week’s Movie Fight, I’m going to compare and contrast the marketing and, dare I say, “hype” for two of the bigger releases, and I’ve left out Valerian andContinue reading “July 2017 Blockbuster Preview”