Xbox Achievements vs PlayStation Trophies

From age 6 to age 21, I was an Xbox player through and through. When it was time for me to get the new console, the Xbox One was the obvious choice for me because it was the follow-up to my favorite gaming console of all time (the 360). After a few months, I tradedContinue reading “Xbox Achievements vs PlayStation Trophies”

Audience Experience May Vary

Books. Movies. Games. The three of those media each specialize in certain forms of narrative storytelling, forms based around presentation and audience participation. In this essay, I’m going to briefly go over how I interpret these three forms of storytelling and how each differ in their pros and cons. Books First, books: the classic formContinue reading “Audience Experience May Vary”

The Problems of the Video Game Industry

My biggest problems with the video game industry lie with video games as an industry– the focusing on milking gamers for loose change is a greedy tactic that has been stripping the art of video games from their beautiful and relaxing nature. Now, instead of spending $60 to get a game, you’re spending upwards of $200 inContinue reading “The Problems of the Video Game Industry”