The Witness (Game Review)

There are some games you play because you want to have pure fun (Rocket League), experience a great story (God of War), explore a vast open world (Red Dead Redemption II), or make some heads explode like watermelons (Call of Duty). Then, there are games you play that you’re not really sure why you decidedContinue reading “The Witness (Game Review)”

Far Cry: New Dawn (Game Review)

Last summer, I played through all of the Far Cry games (Far Cry: Classic, 2, 3, Blood Dragon, 4, Primal, and 5) with a great appreciation and joyful experiences from most of them. Far Cry New Dawn is the first game in the series that directly follows the events of any other title, and was sort of a “surprise sequel” inContinue reading “Far Cry: New Dawn (Game Review)”