What Defined 2018 For You?

Obviously, this title refers to “entertainment” and not, well, actually meaningful occurrences. Also, I sort of made a “Best Of” post but it was largely unpolished and I still had a little bit of catching up to do. Finally, I hope this post is more of an open discussion than a lecture, which blogging seemsContinue reading “What Defined 2018 For You?”

On Balancing Entertainment Medium Intake

Over the summer, I wrote a post about the differences between movies, games, and books as far as audience involvement goes (passive vs active interactions), but today I had an idea to bounce off of that; a prequel, if you will. The whole reason I decided to switch things up and focus on gaming andContinue reading “On Balancing Entertainment Medium Intake”

My 2018 In Review

2018 was a great year for me: I graduated from college, moved across the States, and expanded my entertainment horizons. Instead of just focusing on movies, I decided to divert much of my attention towards shows, games, music, and books as well, which have really made an impact on my life as a whole. IContinue reading “My 2018 In Review”