Best 4th Movie in a Series (Top 5 Friday)

Look, I know this is a weird topic idea but the only film that’s coming out this weekend is Endgame and I’ve already done Top 5 Marvel, Superhero, Comicbook, etc lists so let’s change it up: the best fourth movie in a series. Since Avengers 4 is here, let’s take a look at what other memorable seriesContinue reading “Best 4th Movie in a Series (Top 5 Friday)”

Avengers: Endgame (Very Vague Movie Review)

Well, my dreams came true last night. After 11 years of nearly-daily Marvel speculation, discussion, reviewing, and day-dreaming, the final chapter of the Infinity Saga is here. Since I’m not a terrible person, this review will be 100% spoiler-free which is only bad for one reason: I can’t talk about anything. Because of that, any details ofContinue reading “Avengers: Endgame (Very Vague Movie Review)”