Who Should Be The Next Batman (Top 5 Friday 2/1/19)

It seems as though we have a conversation like this just about every year; whether the topic is Batman, Superman, James Bond, or Son of Character X, there’s never any time that casting speculation is dead. This week, we have Batman to talk about because Ben Affleck decided to hang up his cape and cowlContinue reading “Who Should Be The Next Batman (Top 5 Friday 2/1/19)”

Dear Parents of Video-Gaming Kids

Around 2011, I made a PowerPoint presentation for my parents as a persuasive method to get them to understand why video games were awesome, and why they were so much more than what they remember them being. Video games have, historically, been simply a pastime; a “waste of time,” even. From Pong to Donkey Kong, video games were enjoyableContinue reading “Dear Parents of Video-Gaming Kids”

Defining “Superhero Films”

Collider Videos is publishing a series on YouTube titled “Top 50 Superhero Films,” and in that video series they present their collective ranking of the best superhero films of all time. In that spirit, I decided to do the same thing, but ran into an issue: how do we define “superhero films”? At first glance,Continue reading “Defining “Superhero Films””

Fight: The Dark Knight or Logan?

Now for the true test. Everybody is saying that Logan is one of the greatest superhero films they’ve ever seen. They say it’s the best X-Men film, the best Marvel film, but can it hold its ground against THE comic book film…not only the greatest superhero film ever made, but one of the defining cinematic achievements in cinema history… TheContinue reading “Fight: The Dark Knight or Logan?”

Review: The LEGO Batman Movie

The LEGO Batman Movie is the spinoff to 2014’s shockingly fun and endearing The LEGO Movie and takes us to Gotham city for the LEGO Caped Crusader’s first official standalone film. I have to say, even with the high expectations that this film’s predecessor laid down, this film still surprised me in great ways especially with the heartContinue reading “Review: The LEGO Batman Movie”

Top 5: Batman Movies

In honor of today’s release of The LEGO Batman Movie (which I saw last night), let’s countdown our favorite Batman films in this week’s Top 5 Friday! 5) Batman: Mask of the Phantasm. It’s been a while since I’ve seen this film, but I remember being very much impressed with the story and what all it did for Bruce WayneContinue reading “Top 5: Batman Movies”

Movie Question: Who Should Direct The Batman?

Now that Ben Affleck has officially left the project, after months of stating that he would (not) take the job, he finally admitted that he would turn the project down. He previously stated that if the script was not good (like Batman v. Superman, Suicide Squad), then he wouldn’t direct the film; now, he is stating that hisContinue reading “Movie Question: Who Should Direct The Batman?”