Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number (Mission Platinum #1)

In this new series, I will detail the steps I took to achieve the Platinum Trophy for a certain game. To kick this off, we’ll look at Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, which trophies I got in what order, how many playthroughs it took me, the level of challenge or grind, and what I would do differently.Continue reading “Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number (Mission Platinum #1)”

Dead Cells (Game Review)

Dead Cells takes the progression of a Metroidvania and integrates it into this procedurally generated action Roguelike that has you slowly chipping away at its steep difficulty….Just kidding. Dead Cells is a game that I’ve had my eyes on for quite a while now but haven’t picked it up because, typically, two things I don’t enjoyContinue reading “Dead Cells (Game Review)”

Devil May Cry (Game Series Review)

Last summer, I took on the daunting task of playing every Far Cry game that there is (aside from some ports and remakes) and write Progress Reviews; I’d do a slight pre-review, then write down my thoughts at 1, 5, 10, 15 etc hours of gameplay until completion, and end with a more polished review for eachContinue reading “Devil May Cry (Game Series Review)”

The Witness (Game Review)

There are some games you play because you want to have pure fun (Rocket League), experience a great story (God of War), explore a vast open world (Red Dead Redemption II), or make some heads explode like watermelons (Call of Duty). Then, there are games you play that you’re not really sure why you decidedContinue reading “The Witness (Game Review)”

Far Cry: New Dawn (Game Review)

Last summer, I played through all of the Far Cry games (Far Cry: Classic, 2, 3, Blood Dragon, 4, Primal, and 5) with a great appreciation and joyful experiences from most of them. Far Cry New Dawn is the first game in the series that directly follows the events of any other title, and was sort of a “surprise sequel” inContinue reading “Far Cry: New Dawn (Game Review)”

Week In Review (2/4-2/10/19)

As I continue mopping up my low percentage PS4 games, I’m left feeling hollow from the focus on trophies at the (usual) expense of narrative. Just today I played through a game four times hunting for trophies, and I honestly couldn’t tell you much about the story. Granted, it pretty much changes every playthrough andContinue reading “Week In Review (2/4-2/10/19)”

Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice (Game Review)

Rarely in life can we subjectively experience something that transports us into another world, allowing us to see life through the eyes of another and genuinely feel love for that individual. Movies, books, and games that attempt to do this are easy to find, but often will fail in their mission due to some lackContinue reading “Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice (Game Review)”

My First 25 Platinum Trophies (Discussion 2/4)

Between the end of July and the beginning of December, I was quite the trophy hunter and had a goal of 25 Platinums by the end of the year. However, I wanted that 25th Platinum to be something I worked really hard for. Red Dead Redemption II and Hollow Knight were both prospects but some trophies were just aContinue reading “My First 25 Platinum Trophies (Discussion 2/4)”

Weekly Trophy Round-Up (1/21-1/27)

Most of my gaming-focus this week was on finishing the Pantheon of the Knight in Hollow Knight, and while I came so close numerous times, I did not get that trophy. So, I took a break and went through a few FPS’s that I’ve been meaning to play for awhile now. Here are the games I played,Continue reading “Weekly Trophy Round-Up (1/21-1/27)”