Game Journalists & Game Difficulty (Essay)

  Early this morning, I watched a YouTube video by HypeBreak titled “Sekiro Is Too Hard For Game Journalists,” under which I commented the following: I think the main problem is that the qualification for being a game journalist is mostly the ability to write. Passion for the medium is important… but proof of skill is not?Continue reading “Game Journalists & Game Difficulty (Essay)”

On Shazam’s Under-Performance (Essay)

This past weekend, DC’s new superhero film Shazam! premiered at the box office with overwhelmingly positive reviews. As of this moment, this movie holds a 7.8/10 on IMDb, a 72/100 on MetaCritic, a 91% on Rotten Tomatoes, and a 3.7/5 on Letterboxd. That being said, it opened to $56.8 Million which was much lower than people expected.Continue reading “On Shazam’s Under-Performance (Essay)”

Dreaming Up: A Great 007 Game

In this edition of Dreaming Up, the new series I just created when I typed it into the title, we’re going to look at 007 video games and how a great Bond game would look today. GoldenEye 007 is largely considered not only the best first person shooter of the Nintendo 64 era, but also one ofContinue reading “Dreaming Up: A Great 007 Game”

The Best Viewing Order of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Weekly Essay)

Captain Marvel is finally here, which means two things: Endgame is right around the corner, and the end of Marvel Phase Three is imminent. As is my tradition whenever a new Marvel Cinematic Universe film is released, I like to play around with the order a bit to find the best possible way to watch the films. TheContinue reading “The Best Viewing Order of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Weekly Essay)”

Alita, and the Problems of New Sci-Fi

As of today, Alita: Battle Angel has made approximately 15% of what it needs to make for the studio to feel at least comfortable with its performance. Needless to say, that won’t happen (at least not here in the US). The Chinese movie market will most likely make up heavily for the poor performance here but theContinue reading “Alita, and the Problems of New Sci-Fi”

My First 25 Platinum Trophies (Discussion 2/4)

Between the end of July and the beginning of December, I was quite the trophy hunter and had a goal of 25 Platinums by the end of the year. However, I wanted that 25th Platinum to be something I worked really hard for. Red Dead Redemption II and Hollow Knight were both prospects but some trophies were just aContinue reading “My First 25 Platinum Trophies (Discussion 2/4)”

Paddington and the LEGO Movies (Weekly Essay 1/30)

Without fail, anytime that I bring up recommendations for movies like Paddington 2, The LEGO Movie, or even Wreck-It Ralph and How to Train Your Dragon, it seems as though people look at me like I’ve just told them that time travel is possible if you just walk towards the SW edge of the flat-Earth and then do the hokey-pokey. MyContinue reading “Paddington and the LEGO Movies (Weekly Essay 1/30)”

What Are You Looking Forward to in 2019? (Discussion 1/28)

2018 was a decent year for movies, weird year for music, amazing year for games, and television has really never seen better days (I hear). However, the past is in our behind and it’s time to look forward to what’s coming this year. Granted, it’s February already but January is usually considered sort of aContinue reading “What Are You Looking Forward to in 2019? (Discussion 1/28)”

Top 5 Friday: Comics That Would Make Great Films (or Series)

In my last semester at IU, I took a few writing courses and one literature course in which we studied “The Poetry of Comics.” It is one of my favorite classes I’d taken and I find myself thinking about the material learned more so than other classes I’ve had. One thing I remember very wellContinue reading “Top 5 Friday: Comics That Would Make Great Films (or Series)”