Weekly PS4 Trophy Round-Up (#1)

Dislaimer: This new series was going to be titled “Weekly Platinum” but Hollow Knight is still kicking my butt and I really didn’t want to settle and have my 25th plat be something I’m not extremely proud of. Even though the Hollow Knight Platinum is just two trophies away, I feel as though it may be someContinue reading “Weekly PS4 Trophy Round-Up (#1)”

The Hardback Epilogue Workout Routine

If you’ve been following my blog within the last two to three weeks, you may have seen how I’ve been posting a few challenges for fans of entertainment, as well as fitness and health. For movie fans, I created the Elite Movie challenge and the Commercial Break workout routine to go alongside it. For videoContinue reading “The Hardback Epilogue Workout Routine”

The Elite Book Challenge

To continue (and complete) these series of Entertainment Challenges, it’s about time we rounded things out with the oldest source of storytelling our cultures have to offer: books. Visual storytelling media such as games and movies have been around for less than a century, and even less than that if we’re going by contemporary standards,Continue reading “The Elite Book Challenge”

The “Commercial Break” Workout Routine

As somebody who can’t get enough of movies, tv shows, books, and video games, it’s often difficult to find time to go to the gym as it can cut at least an hour out of an already busy day. Of course, I’ve never wanted to sacrifice physical health at the expense of entertainment or theContinue reading “The “Commercial Break” Workout Routine”

The “Pre-Game Lobby” Workout Routine

Eight years ago, I was running track, cross country, and training for the mini-marathon. Since I was only 15, I couldn’t drive to the gym which meant I had to get creative with my at-home workouts but at the same time, I was playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 like it was a full-timeContinue reading “The “Pre-Game Lobby” Workout Routine”


So you think you’re a gamer? Let’s see… For people who love video games, challenges, and storytelling, I have created something just for you: The Elite Game Challenge! This challenge has three difficulties that you may choose from, and each difficulty has three parts that must be completed before moving on. The challenges start veryContinue reading “The ELITE GAME CHALLENGE”