What Defined 2018 For You?

Obviously, this title refers to “entertainment” and not, well, actually meaningful occurrences. Also, I sort of made a “Best Of” post but it was largely unpolished and I still had a little bit of catching up to do. Finally, I hope this post is more of an open discussion than a lecture, which blogging seemsContinue reading “What Defined 2018 For You?”

My 2018 In Review

2018 was a great year for me: I graduated from college, moved across the States, and expanded my entertainment horizons. Instead of just focusing on movies, I decided to divert much of my attention towards shows, games, music, and books as well, which have really made an impact on my life as a whole. IContinue reading “My 2018 In Review”

10 Best Films of 2016 V1 (5-1)

2016 has been a year full of movies; there are still many that I need to see, but out of the 83 2016 films that I have watched as of posting this countdown, I have compiled a best and worst list. More accurately, these are my favorites and least favorites, subjective and personal so myContinue reading “10 Best Films of 2016 V1 (5-1)”

10 Best Films of 2016 V1 (10-6)

2016 has been a year full of movies; there are still many that I need to see, but out of the 83 2016 films that I have watched as of posting this countdown, I have compiled a best and worst list. More accurately, these are my favorites and least favorites, subjective and personal so myContinue reading “10 Best Films of 2016 V1 (10-6)”

10 Best Films of 2016 V1 (Honorables)

2016 has been a year full of movies; there are still many that I need to see, but out of the 83 2016 films that I have watched as of posting this countdown, I have compiled a best and worst list. More accurately, these are my favorites and least favorites, subjective and personal so myContinue reading “10 Best Films of 2016 V1 (Honorables)”

10 Worst Films of 2016 V1 (5-1)

2016 has been a year full of movies; there are still many that I need to see, but out of the 83 2016 films that I have watched as of posting this countdown, I have compiled a best and worst list. More accurately, these are my favorites and least favorites, subjective and personal so myContinue reading “10 Worst Films of 2016 V1 (5-1)”

10 Worst Films of 2016 V1 (10-6)

2016 has been a year full of movies; there are still many that I need to see, but out of the 83 2016 films that I have watched as of posting this countdown, I have compiled a best and worst list. More accurately, these are my favorites and least favorites, subjective and personal so myContinue reading “10 Worst Films of 2016 V1 (10-6)”

10 Worst Films of 2016 V1 (Dishonorables)

2016 has been a year full of movies; there are still many that I need to see, but out of the 83 2016 films that I have watched as of posting this countdown, I have compiled a best and worst list. More accurately, these are my favorites and least favorites, subjective and personal so myContinue reading “10 Worst Films of 2016 V1 (Dishonorables)”