Best of the Week: La La Land

The only real competition this film had for my last pick for Best Movie of the Week of 2016 was Captain Fantastic, and as much as I adore that film, I simply had to give this award to La La Land. You can read my full review of this film here, and these next few paragraphs will be abbreviated excerptsContinue reading “Best of the Week: La La Land”

10 Best Films of 2016 V1 (5-1)

2016 has been a year full of movies; there are still many that I need to see, but out of the 83 2016 films that I have watched as of posting this countdown, I have compiled a best and worst list. More accurately, these are my favorites and least favorites, subjective and personal so myContinue reading “10 Best Films of 2016 V1 (5-1)”

10 Best Films of 2016 V1 (10-6)

2016 has been a year full of movies; there are still many that I need to see, but out of the 83 2016 films that I have watched as of posting this countdown, I have compiled a best and worst list. More accurately, these are my favorites and least favorites, subjective and personal so myContinue reading “10 Best Films of 2016 V1 (10-6)”

10 Best Films of 2016 V1 (Honorables)

2016 has been a year full of movies; there are still many that I need to see, but out of the 83 2016 films that I have watched as of posting this countdown, I have compiled a best and worst list. More accurately, these are my favorites and least favorites, subjective and personal so myContinue reading “10 Best Films of 2016 V1 (Honorables)”

10 Worst Films of 2016 V1 (5-1)

2016 has been a year full of movies; there are still many that I need to see, but out of the 83 2016 films that I have watched as of posting this countdown, I have compiled a best and worst list. More accurately, these are my favorites and least favorites, subjective and personal so myContinue reading “10 Worst Films of 2016 V1 (5-1)”

10 Worst Films of 2016 V1 (10-6)

2016 has been a year full of movies; there are still many that I need to see, but out of the 83 2016 films that I have watched as of posting this countdown, I have compiled a best and worst list. More accurately, these are my favorites and least favorites, subjective and personal so myContinue reading “10 Worst Films of 2016 V1 (10-6)”

10 Worst Films of 2016 V1 (Dishonorables)

2016 has been a year full of movies; there are still many that I need to see, but out of the 83 2016 films that I have watched as of posting this countdown, I have compiled a best and worst list. More accurately, these are my favorites and least favorites, subjective and personal so myContinue reading “10 Worst Films of 2016 V1 (Dishonorables)”

Best of December 2016

December was a slower month of movies for me, with finals week, the holidays, reading A Scanner Darkly, watching Westworld, and playing Uncharted and Uncharted 2 took up a lot of time. Regardless, I watched some absolutely phenomenal films this month, and here are my six favorites. Note: you can read my reviews for the rest of these movies by browsingContinue reading “Best of December 2016”

Best of the Week: The Little Prince

The Little Prince was the only film that I watched this week, but even if it was the 100th, it would still probably be one of my favorites. I was looking forward to watching this for some time on Netflix, but I was not really sure what to expect going in at all, but I definitelyContinue reading “Best of the Week: The Little Prince”