Review Plan (Week Ending 3/17)

With so much to read, watch, play, and write, I’ve decided to compartmentalize each of these by making a sort of “schedule” for each week. For every week, I’ll aim to watch one season of television, play one game, read one book, and watch three to five movies. However, since sometimes a book might beContinue reading “Review Plan (Week Ending 3/17)”

Week In Review (2/4-2/10/19)

As I continue mopping up my low percentage PS4 games, I’m left feeling hollow from the focus on trophies at the (usual) expense of narrative. Just today I played through a game four times hunting for trophies, and I honestly couldn’t tell you much about the story. Granted, it pretty much changes every playthrough andContinue reading “Week In Review (2/4-2/10/19)”

Week In Review (Week 4, 1/20-1/27)

I’ve decided to make a slight change to this Week-In Review series by simply adding “favorite songs of the week” to it. This way, even if I work on the same book all week or play the same game without finishing either, I’ll still have something to write down and share with you. Therefore, thisContinue reading “Week In Review (Week 4, 1/20-1/27)”

Weekly PS4 Trophy Round-Up (#1)

Dislaimer: This new series was going to be titled “Weekly Platinum” but Hollow Knight is still kicking my butt and I really didn’t want to settle and have my 25th plat be something I’m not extremely proud of. Even though the Hollow Knight Platinum is just two trophies away, I feel as though it may be someContinue reading “Weekly PS4 Trophy Round-Up (#1)”

Week In Review #2

(January 7th-January 13th) This post will be updated as my week (in entertainment) continues! This week, I’m expanding my 2019 horizons by reading, watching, and writing as well as continuing last week’s indie gaming theme. Here are my thoughts and recommendations, from my heart to your…eyes. Enjoy:) Last week, I played a few games likeContinue reading “Week In Review #2”

Week In Review (2019 #1)

In this new segment, I’ll be rounding up what I read/played/watched this past week, and ranking them! I call it… my Weekend Week-End Week In Review Round Up or WWEWIRRU for short. This week’s Week In Review is almost exclusively games, as I spent some holiday money on dirt-cheap Indie games via PS Store) HereContinue reading “Week In Review (2019 #1)”

Best of January 2017

January has been the slowest month for movies for me in over two years, and if I had not gone to Sundance and taken a week off of school and work, I would not have seen more than five films! That’s a pretty sad thought for me because stories drive me and my imagination, andContinue reading “Best of January 2017”

Best of the Week: La La Land

Since I’ve been so busy with school, work, and projects, I haven’t seen many movies lately, but I did see La La Land again, so, of course, that was my favorite film of the week! Honestly, whether I watched 1 or 1 Million films this week, this one would still be my favorite; I’m strongly starting toContinue reading “Best of the Week: La La Land”

Best of the Week: La La Land

Yet again, the best film that I watched this week, without a doubt, is La La Land. Since I’ve  reviewed the film already, and since I wrote about it last week for my Best of the Week post, this is going to be slightly different. In this post, I’m going to be discussing aspects of the filmContinue reading “Best of the Week: La La Land”